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April 20, 1964


My dear dear friend Anna,

It is with a sincere feeling of gratitude that I tell you the following. My dear sick daughter Joan, has been with me here, since March 19th. I am sure you can imagine just what that means to me. The saddest part of all my life, was to have that sweet girl in the mental hospital at Blackfoot. We are getting along very well.. Her Dr. told me, "In one month you will be gald [[glad]] to bring her back".....she is well enough to do all the activities I do. We go to concerts, classes, church, nice places to eat, visit family, everything I do, she does with me.....She is sweet and dear to have around. She is learning to help and does much in the apt.

I do sincerely acknowledge the hand of God in all this.

Do you remember your letter of last Dec. 20th.? You told me about your dream and the blessing Joan should get.

I want you to know, we did exactly that. On March 20th, 12 members of my family were here to dinner. We had an Elder of our church come in and, with the help of Jo's nephew and uncle, who both are Elders in our church, they administered to Joan, much as you had seen in your dream. I have kept your letter ever since. Just reread it. As I say. I am sure God has heard our prayers. Joan is not entirely normal, but enough so, so that most people would never know, there is anything wrong with her. I love having her here.

Much of the concern has been for me..."you are too old" you cannot take this responsibility" and ect. So I am sure God has also blest does take strength and engery.

Anna I can't thank you enough for your faith and your has helped more than you knwo. 

I plan to keep your letter and refer to it often.

Much Love. Afton