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[c 1966]


Dearest Fred,

Thanks for your dear letter, its so good to hear from you, its good for my heart, most loveing letter it is so good of you to write so often. 

Thank you Fred for saying you feel like taking care of me, wonderful! Wish you were close & it would be so grand to have you close, I do get so lonesome hardly know what to do with myself. Have to try to read more that would help to forget your self my self. that was a grand letter. you feel like taking care of me, thank you Fred, you make me very happy. 

Wish you were near here, so I could see you right along, we will have to do the next best, write often. I get so lonesome, don't know what to do with myself, have to try to get out more.

You write so often as you can, that will help some. I will do my part. Wish I had some snapshots of you I did have some, but dont know what happened to them, will try to find them. Here gets so lonesome don't know what to do with myself. Will have to try to think up something to forget myself.