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November 5th 1968

Dearest Fred, 

Susie is here to visit me, and she ensist [[insists]] on me writing you. I have compleatly [[completely]] lost all ambition for letter writing, not much to say, here is like a hospital not very easy. I am feeling pretty good, lonesome ofcourse [[of course]], but you can't expect anything else. I have a room with 3 other ladies, its like a hospital not very easy, have already said that. I am feeling pretty good. Susie is going to take me for a ride in the wheel chair, that sounds cozy doesn't it. Ohh, I will be glad to be out of here. Its [[It's]] so depressing. I try to make myself content & glad. Susie & I just had a cake. [[strikethrough]] Well am feeling [[/strikethrough]]. 

All for now feel little shaky.
All the love 
xxx Mother xx