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Luminarios are one of the loveliest of the old customs still followed today in the southwest. They are small brown paper sacks, half filled with sand and a candle placed in the sand.  On Christmas Eve these are lit and it is intended that by so having the way lit, it will help in guiding the Christ child to this home. 
Pub. by Petley Studios, 4051 E. Van Buren, Phoenix, Arizona
Color Photo by Walter Maussamen     31611
[[stamp]] ALBUQUERQUE. NM - PM 8 JAN 1969 [[/stamp]]
[[image]] UNITED STATES WASHINGTON 5c [[/image]]

Mrs. H.F. Hammersley
c/o Brookside Convalescent Hospital
2620 Flores Str
San Mateo, Calif 94010

5 Jan 69
Dear Mother, 
Wanted you to see what the Xmas lights look like here in Abuquerque. Wish that I could show them to you. Just think when I was spending Xmas with you it snowed over 6 inches here. My driveway still covered with show & ice. The weather is nice & clear, but cold. Thought of you today -my birthday keep well love