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WHITNEY, GERTRUDE V.............13 as his brothers left no children. He married Maria Louise Kissam. Their oldest son, was Cornelius Vanderbilt, the father of Gertrude Whitney, b. 27 November, 1843, d. 12 September, 1901. He continued the family tradition in railroad management as well as in charitable, religious and educational affairs. He was also a patron of art, having not only his own collection of paintings, but also presenting to the Metropolitan Museum of Arts a note-worthy collection of drawings by the old masters. He married in 1870, Alice Claypoole, daughter of Abraham Evan Gwynne, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Cettie, daughter of Henry Collins Flagg, Mayor of New Haven, Connecticut, 1836-41. Mr. Gwynne was the son of Major David Gwynne, U.S.A (d. at his estate,"Fair-hope", Jefferson County, Ky., 21 August, 1849) and Alice Anne Claypoole, daughter of Captian Abraham George Claypoole of Philadelphia and Chillicothe, Ohio, an officer in the Pennsylvania Line, Continental Army, and one of the