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original members of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinatti.  The family of Claypoole is of English descent and traceable in direct lines to Edward I, King of England, Ferdinand III, King of Castille and Leon, and to Henry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, 1199, one of the Twenty-five Magna Charta Barons who were Sureties for that document granted by King John in 1213.  Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, was educated by private tutors and at the Brearley School in New York, and studied sculpture under Hendrick Christian Anderson and James E. Fraser in this city, also taking a course at the Art Students' League.  Later she studied under Andrew O'Connor and Rodin, in Paris.  She entered into her chosen work with the zest and zeal of a true artist; but public recognition as is proverbially the case in any form of creative art, was exasperatingly slow.  Her high social position, unfortunately, militated against a serious and unbiased consideration of her work.  For a time the world could