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[[strikethrough]] Ican think of [[/strikethrough]] from giving slide lectures to critiqfuing. I have also served on thesis committees and juryied both student and community art exhibits. [[strikethrough]] I also served [[/strikethrough]] In 1978 I sat on a Fullbright Award committee for painting. - there have also been panel discussions dealing with aspects of contemporary art. Most university positions have been the teaching of painting and/or drawing and have included all levels from beginning to graduate. Most often these have been replacement positions for professors on sabbatical so I am familiar with most of the activities and responsibilities of university experience.. In 1967 I had a Ford Foundation grant tothe Rhode Island School of Design Museum, given by the Ford Foundation. The purpose of this grant was to have an artist live and work in the community and participate in cultural activities. Because of the unique situation of the Museum, as part of the Art School, I had much contact with students, especially at the graduate level.

In some areas, especially in the western United States and the south, there has been exposure to attitudes and practises quite different from what I am generally [[strikethrough]] faced with [[/strikethrough]] used to and I have found the differences in teaching when possible I have  often chosen jobs for their geographic interest. While my teaching has been confined to the United States I have travelled a fair amount and am quite open to new experiences. 

Slide lectures [[strikethrough]] have always [[/strikethrough]] in the past have been about my own development as an artist but the question and answer period, depending on the audience, has ranged from my experience as a developing artist during the period of greatest influence of Abstract Expressionism to my experiences as a woman artist before and after the Feminist movement of the 70's. While I have never given formal lectures on either of the latter topics I have certainly dealt with these issues in seminar settings and conversations with students..

Perhaps it should be noted that the reason for the brief trip to India in 1989 was the marriage of my daughter to an Indian man so I now have family connections even though [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] my son-in-law & daughter live in the United States. Unfortunately I was only in India for two weeks in June but I managed, with the help of relatives to see a great deal of Delhi, travel to the family country home near Simla, survive a return trip alone by rail (second class) to Delhi and a tour to Agra on my own. On the trip by rail I managed some conversations with mixed English and French and a lengthy exchange in English with a group of young people returning from a trek in the Himalayas to their village. One could say that this packed experience covered many bases and was wonderful and evocative and left me with a strong desire to experience this wonderful country in a more intense way.