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Its where one was. You will have heard of Armstrong's experience on trying to get home— I still don't know when or how to make a move. The Stobers', & I are very comfortable & happy at the house of an old Austrian friend of mine, and we are painting away while Rome is burning. One knows little of what is going on for the newspapers all lie, & general subjects are forbidden in letters. Emily says that Hill is turned into a convalescent home for officers and nurses. That is a first rate idea. Also that your brother commands a cavalry regiment in France— All good luck to him. I hope you have not had any losses of friends or relations, and that you and all of you are well & going strong. Please write me all your news, and those of [[Hank?]], Helleu & Mr [[Batten?]] if you can. I am sending this to John [[?]] (Mr Robert André [[?]], c/o Hotel des Bergues Geneva) to be forwarded on to you. I suppose letters go from England to Switzerland, so you could send a letter to me through her - poor thing, she probably doesn't know if her husband is alive or dead— 

Enclose your letter open in an envelope for John [[?]]

yours ever
John S. Sargent

Transcription Notes:
Helleu was a painter friend of his