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(September 16,1861)

little bird for you when she can do so as well as "little brother Johnny":*she is taking to knitting and crochet, at which she works a little every day. Both the children take a lesson in spelling daily,- but I find that it is hard work for them. I dare say Grandma would have made much more out of them than I have succeeded in doing: [[right margin]] omit [[/right margin]] 
(Johnny, particularly, is much more fond of climbing and  kite-flying than he is of spelling,-- and, in truth, I rather like him all the better for it, and believe it will be better for him, so I don't push him too much. #)--

Please direct your letters to No.23 Rue de France, Nice, France.

Mary sends her best love to you and Pa, and is glad that you like the combination of Mary-Winthrop:- please give our love also to all the brotherhood,- which includes the sisters, of course. Write again, when you can; we are always glad to hear from you.

Always most affectionately yours,

F.W. Sargent

Mr. Winthrop Sargent
Presbyterian Publication Office

Transcription Notes:
Don't know if omit applies to the sentence about the little girl "taking to knitting and crocheting", as well as the part about Johnny being "fond of climbing." I think in addition these marks indicate that there is a passage about John Singer Sargent. Some (early editor?) one is making decisions about what to pick out as positive info about John.