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Pontresina, August 25, 1873.

"Science Monthly" will be very acceptable, and indeed the Nos. for Jan. Feb. and March 1873 (I have the April, May, June and July Nos.)

It was very kind of you and Lizzie to pack up a little box of "duds" for Mary and myself, in addition to all your previous favors. I can't tall you how much pleasure your presents gave to Emily and John and the rest of us:- that little Japanese tea-cup and the little "charm" (the fly on a berry) were very effective,- the first of the sort that had ever dawned on our optics. America is a land of "notions" and odd notions, when imported, seem to meet with ready appreciation.

[[edit mark]] Emily and John send their photos to you and Lizzie, with their love - John looks thin and pulled down;- the head and smells of Venice - and perhaps too close attention to drawing in the Academy and Churches - were too much for him. I will send you the baby's photo when I get back to my trunk, which was left in Venice. [[edit mark]]

I must tell you that I have already found use for the little tools you gave me: I have been making a box for a thermometer, out of an empty cigar box; my knife and your little tools (awls and the chisel,) were all the implements I had to work with, and yet the result is satisfactory.

The enclosed piece of paper gives you the circumference of the saucer and of the cup. You will remember that the man said that the pattern was originally made for the Emperor of Russia - perhaps it was; it may be that he will remember the pattern. Mary thinks that it would be very nice to have a dozen and a half of tea plates to match the cups and saucers; so it Tyndale has such plates, please get them. August 26 We had a gentle scare last night about John: he had gone to one of the glaciers early in the morning, where he expected to meet some friends, and we expected him back in the evening. But at 9 1/2 o'cl he had not returned, and his mother began to fancy all sorts of horrors.