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January 1945

Sunday 7

Snowing and how went out got paper at 10 have a slight cold stayed home all day no one no news.

Monday 8

Cloudy Slush nice long letter from Mir down to H F took frame to E.S.B. Back home rest of day no more news

Tuesday 9 

Cloudy cold have had cold home all day painting on J H. J. D. came in pm. Wilson & Jackson came in eve no news

Wednesday 10

Clear very cold Letter from Mir with a saw buck she is still in Omaha down H.F got shoes from shops


Thursday 11

P. Cloudy Cold Walked down to 42 St there to game. got fish for lunch no news

Friday 12

Cloudy Cold Wrote air letter to Mir down to H.F. worked a little for M.H. Card from Mir in Omaha

Saturday 13 

Cloudy mild Went out got food for Sunday Card from Ann about new baby no other news no one came.
