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Sunday 21 
Clear not too cold out got newspaper back home and painted rest of day No News, no one came

Monday 22 
Rain Sleet. Out for food no news from Mir. wrote to U.S. Cigar Co. CR Came in eve I went up town played till 4 a.m.

Tuesday 23 
Fair not too cold Note from [[?]] I went down to H.F. Then back by 9 a.m. got fish for lunch No one came.

Wednesday 24 
Snow flurries Note from Mir to get her trunk from G.C. no money vouched my watch. Got trunk. tried to phone Nugent but couldn't wait for her so hung up


Thursday 25 
Just 2 above Zero Card from Mir. sent 110 cigarette. special delivery Another card from Mir in B.C. CR came in eve wine & chess

Friday 26 
4 above zero Down to H.F. got coffee J.D. came in afternoon 
Wire from Mir she will be home tomorrow 
845 a.m. via G.C.

Saturday 27  
Clear 15 above Down to meet Mir 845 the train was 3 hrs late home by 1 P.M. Mir took a nap
