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January 1945

Sunday 28 
Fair Still Cold Didn't go out all day. Mir went out in PM got Sunday paper

Monday 29 
Raining Milder Down to HF worked an hour for M.H. Note from Nugent C.R. Came in Eve & P.M. Chess & wine Mir hurt her ankle in drugstore

Tuesday 30 
Fair cold Home all day [[strikethrough]]both of us[[strikethrough]] Up to CR in PM + eve chess & refreshments home late 1 AM.

Wednesday 31 
Fair & cold Down 9 ave fish for lunch Marie W. came in eve.

February 1945

Thursday 1 
Fair very cold Down to H.F M.H not there E Wilson came in A.M. went down to his place in eve, refreshments. [[?Rev]] came in eve to see Mir

Friday 2 
Fair still cold Down to 9 ave got fish for lunch Nugent came in P.M. stayed all nite made [?shelter] of her Florencie came in PM to look at ping 

Saturday 3
Fine windy cold out to get food then back home. all day Nugent went home 130 PM Mir went up to Harlem lecture
