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Sunday 4  
Cloudy cold Home all day nothing to report

Monday 5 
Fair Cold enough CR came in PM then up town to Gray's Wine & chess J.H.DR was there home at midnite

Tuesday 6  
Fair cold Down @ H.F. Went to Billy's for Miss 14 BB with canvas for M Reyneau Bought Pig ankles on way home

Wednesday 7 
Fair cold Surprise; Card from Renee in Paris sent same to EL. Nugent & Dr Huy came in eve


Thursday 8 
P. Cloudy Cold Home all day Fish for lunch Dr Huy came gave him letter for Renee

Friday 9 
Fair Mild Uptown got hair cut looked for park for Nugent couldn't find Dr Huy came in eve

Saturday 10 
Cloudy Mild out to shop and back no news Renee came in p.m. Mir had gone to Harlem lecture Played cards with Nugent
