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February 1945

Sunday 18 
Clear not too cold Didn't go out all day Mir took walk in Park and got paper and feed the ducks

Monday 19 
Clear cold Out to look for sugar found none then home all day Mir went to CCAU meeting in P.M.

Tuesday 20 
Cloudy milder Down to H.F. got some sugar at Safeway Mir went to CCAU to folk song concert in eve

Wednesday 21 
Clear not so cold down to 9th ave got fish for lunch Sarite came in eve Mir went to air warden meeting

February 1945

Thursday 22 
Washington's Birthday 
Rainy mild Home all day Mir went to Man. beach in P.M.

Friday 23 
Cloudy mild down & H.F. worked for M.H. about 2 hrs shopped for food to send to Renee Mir visited E.L. 74th st.

Saturday 24 
Fair mild. Down to GPO sent package to Renee EL and Mrs Bright came in PM also Rina who brought good sherry wine
