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MARCH 1945

Sunday 4 Fine mild. Home all day Mir went to Church in A.M. and to see Nuquet in P.M.

Monday 5 Fair mild Down to H.F. found my fountain pen worked a little for M.H.

Tuesday 6 Rainy mild No heat in house Sup says he is out of coal went to C.C.A.U. art opening of Miss O Kubo nice artist, nice show

Wednesday 7 Cloudy rain Still no coal house damp and cold coal came in PM, heat E Wilson & Mir went to Harlem Theatre

MARCH 1945 

Thursday 8 Fine mild. Down to 9 ave got fish Nuquet came by did not come up, Mir went out with her in P.M.

Friday 9 Fine mild Down to H.F. a little while for M.H. Mir went to Lib. to sell books JD came P.M. Mir went to CCAU to Japanese affair

Saturday 10 Fine mild Down to 9th ave got chicken Mir went to Harlem lecture in P.M. 
