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MARCH 1945

Sunday 11 Fine mild Had to go to 43 st for pufacs Mir went to Church and then to get Nuquet I went out Flushing to see Renn and Aure with new baby

Monday 12 Fair mild Down to insurance office then to H.F. sent another letter to Porter about my Painting, Nuquet is here in town

Tuesday 13 Fine mild out to shop and then back home, Mir and Nu went to Planetarium PM I went up town in eve for Chess, home by 12 M.

Wednesday 14 Fine mild Down 9 ave got fish Mir & Mu went to Park Beray with "bijon" J.D. Came later corneys and to Park. 

MARCH 1945

Thursday 15 Fine mild Home all day no news no one came

Friday 16 Fine mild Down to H.F. worked a while for M.H. C.R. and Steve came while I was away and another for me Mir and Nu went to P Beraway in P.M.

Saturday 17 Fine mild Home all a.m. went to park in PM Thence up to C.R game or two of chess Thence up to Mr Boyce for Pokero played till 2 AM then home