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MARCH 1945

Sunday 25 
Fine mild Home all am. went to Funeral of C wood. walk C R. and "Yak" in P.m, Min went out to see ann and [[ink splotch]] Gaby baby.

Monday 26 
F[[ink splotch]] mild Down to H.F. M.H. was not there went to Park in P.M saw Joe D

Tuesday 27 
Fine mild Down to H.F. M.H. not there yet up to CR in eve for chess, not much chess much Rum & cola. Home by 3

Wednesday 28 
Fine warm Down to 9 ave fish for lunch Mir went to beach to see Nuget qot back home by midnite

MARCH 1945
[[ink splotch]]

Thursday 29 
Fine warm Down to H.F. Joe D was there getting his picture Stopped by his place then home and to Chi Park in PM.

Friday 30 
Fine warm Mir went to lunch and Theatre with Saritia I went to park J.D.C.R. came I went up to C.R 
card game broke up in fight

Saturday 31 
P. Cloudy mild 
Got up at 10 am Mir went to Harlem lecture went for walk in Park in P.M. to to Kibitz chess games

Memoranda[[ink splotch]]