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APRIL 1945

Sunday 1  
Easter Sunday
Fine Cool Out to Rachelle and to church with Kate then back to NY and [[Jackson?]] with Mir, tea.

Monday 2 
Rainy Mild  Home all day long Mir went to see Miguet got home about 930 pm

Tuesday 3 
P. Cloudy. Down town to buy food didn't go to H.F. Saw Joe D in Park in p.m. Mir went to library

Wednesday 4   
Rainy [[left margin]] letter from home [[left margin]] Took Picture to [[Bud?]] worth [[??]] Rosenwald [[jury?]] down to H.F. and to J.D. Wilson didn't come

APRIL 1945

Thursday 5  
Rainy Cool Home all day No news.

Friday 6 
Clear Cold Took painting up to Dowell House in AM Down to H.F. in P.M. Nug is in town

Saturday 7 
Fair Cool Home all day in Park in pm Mir went to Harlem lecture [[Nugut?]] came for lunch and supper.
