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APRIL 1945

Sunday 8 
Fine Warm Mir went to Church Nugent come in lunch Marie W. came up pm I went to park JH.N CCR there

Monday 9 
Fine mild Took Pauten to Pepsi cola jury. To the Park in P.M. CR came chess and wine Gee late nugent is packing up

Tuesday 10  
Fine warm Down to H.F. did not stay Park in P.M. Mir went to ACC [[ink splotch]] meeting

Wednesday 11 
Fair mild Down town H.F. worked a while got fish for lunch Park in PM

April 1945

Thursday 12 
Fine mild Down to H.F. worked till 1 P.M. then home and to the Park news came that Pres Rosevelt had died in Ga.

Friday 13 
Fine foggy mild Down to H.F. worked awhile for M.H. Home and to Park in P.M.

Saturday 14 
Fine warm Shopped for food to park in PM C.R> was there it rained so we came home and had chess and beer. Nugent went to Hotel at 11
