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APRIL 1945

Sunday 22 
Fine Very Cool Down to 50 St got paper To park in P.M. too cool for chess

Monday 23 
Fair Cool Meatless Monday, Park in P.M. CR was there came home with me went bought Chinese food for Nugent Mir went to A.C.C.U.

Tuesday 24 
Fair mild Down to H.F. Took Nugents camera to fixed [[ink splotch]] use them Went to Park [[ink splotch]] P.M.

Wednesday 25 
Rainy Mild Down to 9 ave got fish for lunch Home all pm on account of rain.

APRIL 1945

Thursday 26 
P. Cloudy Cool Out to look for meat found none. Park in PM J.D. & C.R was there came home with me. for chess Mir went to A.C.C.A.

Friday 27 
Fair Cool Windy Out to buy food no meat note to Mir from M. O Kuba Park in PM Nugent went back to beach 

Saturday 28 
Fair very Cool To the Park in P.M J.D. & C.R. were there all 3 went down J.D. there on to Wilsons [[ink splotch]]

Mir met me there. home by midnite