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MAY 1945

Sunday 6 
Fair Mild. Home all day till Pm went to Park. Wilson J.H.D. & Cecile came in pm went to Tom Scott Concert Town Hall

Monday 7 
Fine V.E Day Down town to buy food Paper began falling 9 AM Park in P.M. J.D. was there CR came in eve chess etc Sarita came for dinner

Tuesday 8  
Shower Mild 
Office out V.E. day 
Down to Bus station got ticket to start tomorrow for the Big Bend Court 

Wednesday 9 
Fine Mild left for W Va Mir went to station with me Baltimore at 7 PM Morgantown at 7 A.M. next morning Bus not too full

MAY 1945

Thursday 10 
Rainy I went town at 4 A.M.
Washed up left at 545 Morgantown, at. 7.
Had a good visit with Prof Chapelle left on 420 bus

Friday 11 
Fair Cloudy Cool Reached Bradley at 6 had to wait till 9 for bus to Hinton Hinton at 10 Nice letter from Mir waiting Got room on Hill 200 Hill st Mr Smith

Saturday 12 Beauty Day
Took train to Talcott in the[[ink splotch]]Bank Terry saw all the whart tunt back to Hinton by 2 P.M wrote to Mir

Memoranda Indian girl. were all at eating place in Hinton juke "box-ring" in eve