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May 1945

Sunday 13 
Cloudy foggy Mothers day tomr. as dead as a door nail down to R.R. 
station for breakfast. Bummed around in P.M. 

Monday 14 
Fine warm. down to P.O. nice note from Mir coffee at station 
Took 8 PM bus to Bedley dinner at Hotel cafe.

Tuesday 15 
Fair warm Left Bedley 2.20 AM
Took J.C. Bus [[ink splotch]] from Roanoke VA Washington at 7 PM. Visited brother William. took bus 11.45 for N.Y.C.

Wednesday 16 
Fair warm Arrived at 33 St. 930 AM. Home at 1030. Mir was OK Nugent and Ossie was there. Went to dinner China town with Mir Nugent Ms. Foo and Marie. Home by 11 PM. Mir has a little cold.

May 1945 

Thursday 17 
Fair Warm. In the park in PM. CK and J.D. came went down to J.D.'s in eve Mir went to ACCU.

Friday 18 
Cloudy Warm Went and got painting from Hayes storage. Joyce Nugent and Ossie came in eve. Jace brought 2 water colors for me.

Saturday 19 
Rainy mild Down to 9 ave for food in A.M. Nugent and Ossie came in P.M. Worked on packing
