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May 1945 

Sunday 20 
Fine Warm Park in P.M. J.D. there Marie W. came up in eve. Chinese food with Nugent Mir chess

Monday 21 
Fair Mild. Down to pay insurance and buy food. Nugent came in PM. Mrs Hill and a friend came in eve.

Tuesday 22
Fair Warm. Mir leaves today for Des M and California. Nugent Mrs Grant Ossie was at station. Mis O came by in eve.

Wednesday 23
Fair Mild. Spent all AM looking for way to ship Nugent stuff to Cal. Sent packg to Renee and letter to Mir.

May 1945

Wrote to Mir.
Card from Mir

Thursday 24
Fair Mild. came out to buy fish for lunch Mir, but came and so did Mary to see about shipping her stuff long distance phone call for M.

Friday 25
Fine Mild. Men came and took away Nugents stuff. Card from Mir in PM. wrote letter to Renee.

Saturday 26
Fine Mild. Two notes from Mir in A.M. She is in D.M. her cousin died in Michigan hence the long distance phone call. Park in PM. None of the gang out
