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May 1945

Sunday 27 
Rainy mild Home all day wrote to Mr & Mrs Hull
JD came in PM went to Carney and other places nearby

Monday 28 
Rainy mild Painter came and fix ceiling. mailed pajamas to Mir from Nugent.

Tuesday 29 
Fine mild. up town to barber shop in A.M. to park a short time in P.M. saw no one. no news to day

Wednesday 30 
Fine Cool. 
Memorial Day
out in Park all P.M. chess, CR came home with me more chess till 1 A.M.

May 1945

Thursday 31 
Fine cool Nice letter from Mir wrote her air letter right back. Park a little while in P.M.

Friday June 1
Fine Cool Took books back to 42 St. Lib. had to pay fine Down to H.F. did a few things, for Hobby card from Mir wrote to J.R.

Saturday 2 
Fair Mild Miriams birthday sent her a card in AM up tp CR in eve chess 
Rained cats 'n dogs
