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June 1945

Sunday 3 
Rainy mild. Rained all day
stayed home. painted. no one came

Monday 4 
Raining cool Down Reade St for Jury duty don't like this court. Municipal Court this time Did one case went to HF to see MH

Tuesday 5 
Raining cool Letter from Renee she got things sent to her. letter from Mir
H.F to see M.H.

Wednesday 6 
Fair at last, cool nothing important today am on a case in court. to Park when I came home then up to American Legion meeting in Harlem

June 1945

Thursday 7 
Fair Mild Down to court at 10 AM on same case sent bunch of mail to Mir. Finished case at 5 PM

Friday 8 
Fair to P. Cloudy Finished case got on another. let off at 1 PM home and to Park, JD & C.R. were there. Down to JDs in eve beer,.chess.

Saturday 9 
P Cloudy. Sweet note from Mir says she is home sick 
cooked beef steak for lunch then to Park none of gang came
