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June 1945

Sunday 10 
Rain Rain Home all day painted J.H. and wrote to Mis.

Monday 11 
Rainy Humid Down to court no news from Mir as had expected 
Unenjoyable day

Tuesday 12 
P Cloudy Humid Dull day in court did one small case stopped by H.F. saw M.H. no news from Mir

Wednesday 13 P 
Cloudy Humid Nothing from Mir was let off from jury at 11 am stopped by H.F. then home and put camera in nook.

June 1945

Thursday 14 
Hot Humid Down to court had a little case let off at 12 noon home nice letter from Mis with seraps etc

Friday 15 
Hot Humid Last day for jury duty got on a little case it was settled was let off and came home at 11 to park in P.M. very hot

Saturday 16 
Hot Humid note and $ from Mir Park in P.M. too hot for chess
