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June 1945

Sunday 24 
Fine Hot Park in P.M. nothing interesting to note

Monday 25 
Sunny Hot Up to see dentist then down to H.F. Dentist to xray of teeth. Park in PM no news from Mir

Tuesday 26 
Humid Rainy Up town to dentist saw xray and had tooth treated. Sweet letter from Mir. Home all day worked on G.H. painting

Wednesday 27 
Fine Mild Down to 9th St got canvas and colours etc J.D. came at noon. To Park in P.M.

JUNE 1945
Thursday 28 Fine Warm
Down to Macys [[strikethrough]] bought a pair McCarver pants [[/strikethrough]] looked at slacks didn't buy, but got necktie Park in P.M.

Friday 29 Scorcher Humid
Down to Macy did buy McCarver pants nice note from Mir wrote her right back she is in Omaha now.

Saturday 30 Sunny Hot
Home all A.M. To the Park in PM J.D. was there nothing but lying in shade and talk
