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JULY 1945

Sunday 1 
Summer, Hot to Park in. P M none of gang came out, nothing interesting to note

Monday 2 
Showers Cooler around home all day. card from Mir in Omaha

Tuesday 3 
Fine Much Cooler No news wrote to Mis. went to macys got trousers in P.M to Park for a hot minuet only

Wednesday 4 
Independence Day
Beauty day, Cool To the Park in P.M. Chess. no one came Big crowd in Park

JULY 1945

Thursday 5 P. 
Cloudy warm nice letter from Mir. Park in P.M. St rain - sat in eve and cooler
Mir is still in Omaha

Friday 6 
P. Coudy Warm air mail letter from Renèe in Paris, 9th ave for fish. Park in P.M.
CR came by home in eve, did not stay long 

Saturday 7 
Fair Warm. Down to G.P.O. sent air letter to Renèe in Paris Check came for jury
duty Rene Ellis came Memoranda by in P.M gossiped a while To Park rest of PM,
Chess. lost most of games (no newspapers for 1 week on account of strike)
