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August 1945

Sunday 5 Fine mild 
Marie Wood came in A.M. had had big row with J.D Park in PM J.D was there we talked more about row wrote to Mir but didn't mail it

Monday 6 Rain Rain Rain 
No news from Mir home all day but did nothing

Tuesday 7 P Cloudy Mild Letter and card from Rennèe in Paris. Took last camera to Uncle's To Park in P.M.

Wednesday 8 P. Cloudy 
9th ave for fish for lunch Park in PM Russia goes to war on Japan

August 1945

Thursday 9 P Cloudy mild 
Out to buy food Park in pm. Note from M Hobson to come down tomorrow

Friday 10 Fair mild 
Down to H.F. worked a while M.H goes on vacation Park in P.M. CR came then up to his place for wine chess Peace rumors flying

Saturday 1 Fine warm 
Looks like end of war is in sight. Note from Hobby with sugar stamp Still no news from Mir. Allies sends peace terms to Japan.
