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September 1945

Sunday 9 
Hot Humid 
Met Helen J at 11 out to N. Rachelle to see Kate went to Hudson Park Home by 9 P.M.

Monday 10
Hot Humid. Home all AM Park in P.M. CR came by Jeanne L and Rene came in P.M. and eve.

Tuesday 11 
Showers warm Home all day no news to note

Wednesday 12 
Fair warm Down town to get fish for lunch Park in PM CR came by and came home for chess left at 1. A.M. note from W.T.S.

September 1945

Thursday 13 
Fair P. Cloudy Stopped for lunch and Park in PM CR came by Park

Friday 14 
Cloudy Rain Down 9 ave for fish It rained in PM and how. Mir. went calling got home at 8 P.M.

Saturday 15 
P.Cloudy mild Bought chicken for Sunday Park in P.M. J.H.D was there and came home in eve for chess
