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September 1945

Sunday 30 Fair chilly 
out to get paper in A.M. Chicken for lunch Park in P.M. J.H.D was there

Monday 1 October
Cloudy chilly Home all day too cold for park. two cards from Renee in Brittany

Tuesday 2 Cloudy cool
Home all day no good for park.

Wednesday 3 Fair chilly
Down for fish in AM. took walk in park met J.D there World Series baseball starts today. Detroit vs Chicago

October 1945

Thursday 4 Fair cold 
Home all AM took short walk in park in P.M. too cold for chess listened to ball game

Friday 5 Fair mild 
Down 9 ave for [[fails]] and coffee listened to ball game and took walk in park m PM Mis went up to L 74th St.

Saturday 6 Rainy mild 
Home all day rain Mis went to show with Olive R. Listened to baseball and football broadcast all P.M.
