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This page should be Oct 28 

Sunday 28 [[strikethrough]] 21 [[/strikethrough]] Fine mild out to get paper  went to N Rochelle via Grand Central at noon Walked around town with Rowan  home by 730PM saw Kate

Monday 29 [[strikethrough]] 22 [[/strikethrough]] Fine mild out for food  got lamb stew [[?]] from Mis in Chi Park in PM chess

Tuesday 30 [[strikethrough]] 23 [[/strikethrough]] Fine mild  Home all day  No news from Mis  Park in P.M.

Wednesday 24 Cloudy Rain  Downtown  Pay insurance and got fish for lunch  Mia left at 430 P.M. [[?]]


Thursday 25 Rainy Mild  Home all day  wrote to Mis

Friday 26  Cloudy Rainy  Home all day  Nothing to note.

Saturday 27 Fine Windy  Navy AM Downtown   got snap shot of trip to New England Vermont & N Hampshire

Memoranda  Out to Park and saw Truman pass  back to house and listened to foot ball   rest of P.M. card from Mis near Chi