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Sunday 11
Rain, Mild out and got paper then home all day J.D came in eve we went up to CR's and walked around Sugar hill a while

Monday 12
Cloudy mild Home all day got lunches for frame nothing important went to Portrait of America art show in PM (too many there. so saw nothing)

Tuesday 13 
Cloudy Mild home all AM. Park for a short while in P.M.

Wednesday 14 
Cloudy Rain got letter from Mir. I had to sign and mail right back to her. then up town to barber shop Helen J came by in P.M


Thursday 15
Fine chilly shopped in neighborhood for food. Home all day. too cold for park no news from mir

Friday 16 Fine cold Down to Fulton St letter from mir shopped around. then up to 9th ave for fish. Books from Mir by parcel post came when I was out. Park a while in PM

Saturday 17 Fine cold out to shop for food then back home note from Mir also Books came by parcel post Park a little while in 
PM then back home and listened to football game by radio (note from Sarita called her up in P.M. about Mir)