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Sunday 23  Fine  Very very Cold  Out for Sunday Paper  then home till 4P.M.  when went to candle light service  Park Ave Church with Mis  Mis went down to see M Woods at 8 P.M.

Monday 24  P. Cloudy  Cold  Out to buy odds and ends of food by Xmas  Mis went to hairdresser   then came home and cooked the turkey

Tuesday 25 Rainy  mild  Good Xmas dinner  Joe D and Marie Wood came for dinner

Wednesday 26  Fine  Mild  Drove up the river to see houses for sale  took Laura with us  saw one very well  house with view  in Cornwall NY  Bruce Mitchell was not at home.


Thursday 27  Fine  Cold  Up town to barber shops in A.M.  Down to China town for dinner with Ossie  then to S. Burke for more food and party

Friday 28  P Cloudy  Cold  Downtown for fish in AM  down to H.F. saw [[?]] in P.M.  Then to Wilson party in eve with Mis  home by 1A.M.

Saturday 29  Rainy  Mild  Shopping all day for tomorrows party  Mis went to theatre matinee with Olive Rogers.  we spent most the eve cleaning up house for tomorrow
