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January 1946

Tuesday 1 P. Cloudy Cold
New Year's Day Got to bed at 2 a.m. but was up and breakfast at 10 A.M then home all day

Wednesday 2 Fine Cold
out to buy food took down xmas tree letter from Minè OK [?] Mir visited H.K. Beale on Riverside Drive.

January 1946

Thursday 3 P Cloudy Cold
out to shop around for sugar, found none Mir gave me $30 to buy clothes etc.

Friday 4 P Cloudy mild 
down to Macey and got eyes tested and paid on eye glasses got fish for lunch Down to H.F. in p m worked for M.H.

Saturday 5 Cloudy mild
Down to 42 st for coffee and food Miriams furniture come from Des Moines in P.m.

Memoranda Mir went to Common council concert in eve unpacked and looked at furniture etc.