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Sunday 17 Fair not too cold
Out for paper and back home for rest of day Mir went to Negro History Week breakfast at city center

Monday 18 Fine mild
Down to pay insurance and buy some oil colours and food for lunch Miss Kay and her friend came by in the eve. 

Tuesday 19 Fair cold 
Down town to shop around Mir went to meeting at [[Wilkie?]] house snow in eve

Wednesday 20 Snow on ground 
Out to buy food and down to H.F and automart F.O.R friends came in eve for meeting with Mir


Thursday 21 P Cloud Cold 
Down town to shop for food etc Mir went to Harlem meeting in eve

Friday 22 Fair Cold
Washington’s Birthday
Out to buy paper and some food home all rest of day Mir also

Saturday 23 Fair cold
Out to buy food, then down to Lumber but it was closed stopped by Joe O.’S
no one home Mir went shopping bought face cream for Renee in Paris