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MARCH 1946
Sunday 3 Fine mild
Beauty day, home all day. Mir went to Jackson tea in P.M.

Monday 4 Fine mild
Downtown to H.F. and Mir went to store with them buy food. Mrs Solomon Came to see Mir in AM Pictures came back from Albany show. Margaret Laurence and Miss Johnston came up also.

Tuesday 5 Fine Mild
Out to buy food near by 
Down to 8 St in PM
Reva came in eve talked a while

Wednesday 6 Fair cool
Out to shop etc
home all day

MARCH 1946
Thursday 7 Fair mild
Took painting to Radio City express office for Atlanta art show. Then on down town to Automat & H.F. Mir went up to Harlem in Eve. 

Friday 8 Fair mild
Down to H.F. did not work did shopping for fish Saw E Wilson at H.F. in P.M. Picture back from [[Bartha?]]

Saturday 9 Fair chilly
Out to shop for Sunday and the party
Olive Rogers came for lunch we had Chicken Mir went to Theatre with her for Matinee
