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MARCH 1946

Sunday 24
Fair cool. Home all day 
Mis took Mrs Solomon and her friend for a drive in P.M. It rained in eve

Monday 25
Fair mild 
Down to H.F. did some work for M.H. Park in p.m. chess.

Tuesday 26
Fine. mild Down to H.F. with car and got bed and table took bed up to Mrs Solomon Mir stopped at Columbia. U for information

Wednesday 27
Fair warm Down town to Automat and market to get fish for lunch Park in pm JD came out

MARCH 1946

Thursday 28
Fair mild Down town to H.F. and Automat Park in P.m. C R came by had wine Mir got into [[mess?]] with "Himmler" She went up to Harlem lecture in eve

Friday 29
Fair mild Out to by food. Then to Park in P.m. CR came out had wine and then went to Tavern for a few more

Saturday 30
Overcast mild Down to Macy's got tie for Alvins brother in Des M. and sent it by mail Then down to Automat got food for Sunday
Memoranda Park in P.m some chess