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March 1946
Sunday 31 Fine Cold
Out to Park in P.M. a little chess Mir went to concert with M. Wood B.Hill and Mrs. Ederhuis

Monday 1 April Fool
P Cloudy Cool
Down to Auto Mart and got food Mrs Ederhuis came to visit with Mir in P.M.

Tuesday 2 P. Cloudy Mild
Shopped for food near by down town in P.M and to the Park played chess until late Mir went to see Alberta baby in eve we had thunder storm

Wednesday 3 Fine Cool
Up town got hair cut then down to H.F. and market. got fish for lunch Mir. went to hairdresser in P.M. and to American Legion in eve

April 1946
Thursday 4 Fair Cool
Down town to shop for socks and food Mir went up town to dinner Mrs Solomon Helen P. came and left with her Emily J. came in eve

Friday 5 Fair Cool
Out to shop for food bought some color took walk in Park too cold for any one to be there

Saturday 6 P. Cloudy Cool
Down town to shop, got duck for Sunday out to park for a little while in PM Big army parade on 5 ave
