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April 1946
Fine Cool
Sunday 7 Mir went out for paper then got duck ready and roasted it She went to Jackson Tea and brought M. Wool home for duck dinner I went to Park JD was not

Monday 8 Cloudy Cool
Out to buy food then home all day got necktie from Paris but no news with it

Tuesday 9 Fair Cool
Down town

Wednesday 10 Fair Cool
Down town got fish for lunch Mir gave me $ C. bought rain coat at Park in PM. J. David

April 1946
Thursday 11 Fair Cool
Down town shop for food
Mir went to Harlem meeting in eve

Friday 12 Fair Cool
Down to H.F. then to lumber yard to get moulding stopped by J.D. Tennessee twins were there. Park in P.M. C.R. came by too much wine

Saturday 13 Cloudy Chilly
Out to buy food got chicken Sarita came for lunch Bessie H also dropped in Mir went to meeting with S. in the afternoon and eve
