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Sunday 14
Fair and Chilly
Out for paper had chicken for lunch to park in P.M. lot of people out

Monday 15
Down town to automart and got food for lunch 

Tuesday 16 Fine Cool
Down town to H.F. worked and talked with M. Brady till 1 P.M then home out to Park in PM Mir went to Harlem in eve with M. Wood

Wednesday 17 Fine Cool
Out to buy food near by got another tie from Renèe in Paris Park in PM Mir went across St. to concert

Sent air mail letter to Renèe
April 1946
Thursday 18 Fine Mild
Down to automart in AM Down to J.D in PM then up to Joyce's for tea with E.J. and Mir E.J. Doug and played piano

Friday 19 Fine Mild
Down to H.F. and buy food found some butter Park in P.M.

Saturday 20 Fair Cool
Out to buy food for Sunday Park in PM J.D came by a little wine stopped by Carneys.
