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APRIL 1946

Sunday 21 Beauty day
Out to park in p.m. terrific crowd out there all afternoon  Mir went to Jackson last tea of the season

Monday 22 [[Fine]] mild
Out to buy food in A.M. Park in P.M. CR came by made movie of [[?]] for [[Margaret]].

Tuesday 23 Fine Mild
down town to Automat 
Mir went to lunch with Helen P I went to park in PM CR and JD was there a little wine Bernadette K came by in to eat.

Wednesday 24 Fair Cool
Down town got fish for lunch Mir went to committe meeting C.R. and J.D came home had cards and chess.

APRIL 1946

Thursday 25 P Cloudy Mild
Shopped for food and home all day  rained in P.M. so no park

Friday 26 Cloudy mild
Down by H.F. and Automat Park in PM CR and J.D. out there. [[wine]] Mir went to Carnegie Hall with E. Wilson in eve.

Saturday 27 Rainy Cool
Down to Automat and to wash. market got duck for Sunday, Mir went to visit with [[Sarite?]] for lunch and afternoon  got card from [[Revie?]] 

She did not get package we sent her