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APRIL 1946
Sunday 28 Fair Cold
Home all a.m. to Park in p.m. Mir went to Sadele concert, Duck for dinner

Monday 29 P. Cloudy [[mild?]]
Down town in a.m and in p.m saw miss B. about J [[Henry?]] [[show?]] having Miss A in 5am and 10PM but short talk with her.

Tuesday 30 Fair mild
Down town in a m and p.m. Park in pm J Delaney came by home in Eve.

Wednesday 1 Red MAY day
Down time in am to atomat and in p.m. to Park in p.m. CR came by

MAY 1946

Thursday 2 Fair mild
Down town in A.m. Park in p.m. JD+CR came we went down to J.D.s for it is maries birthday

Friday 3 [[Fine?]] cool
Down to H.F. and automat to park in pm CR came out had wine on the rock

Saturday 4 Cloudy cool
Out to buy food for today and Sunday
Rainy day so stayed in and painted 
Heard Kentucky Derby

Memoranda over radio. Assault won it and payed 9 to 1