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July 1946

Sunday 21 
Fair Hot Oat got paper [[M?]] Wood came for lunch brought pot o’chicken Park in p.m. had thunder shower in. W. Stayed for dinner

Monday 22 
Hot. Humid, Showers 

Tuesday 23 
Hot Humid Showers 

Wednesday 24 
Fair Showers in eve

July 1946

Thursday 25 
P cloudy warm. M. BK came to town in PM and went to museum with her kids.

Friday 26 
Fine warm. Down [[t?]] 9 ave got fish for lunch Mir and M.B.K. went out Park in PM C R came by had flask on his hip

Saturday 27 
Fine warm Mir and M.B.K. went to theatre in P.M. then we all went to [[Stauepees?]] for dinner in eve
