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July 1946

Sunday 28 
Fine mild M.B.K. went to L.J. in A.M to christening. Park in p.m. Mir had some people come in p.m. Rema. Sadeller etc.

Monday 29 
Fine warm Mir an M.B.K. went here and there during the day I went to park in P.M.

Tuesday 30 
Fine warm Up river to Cornwall [[?]] New and Old storm King route cooked lunch at Bear Mt. Mir and MBK and H.P went on to [[?]] I came back on the bus home 630 P.M

Wednesday 31 
Fair warm Up early went up town barber shop park in P.M. Mir and M.B.K. got back at 6 P.M. Mis [[Honesto?]] came by

August 1946

Thursday 1 F. 
Cloudy warm Mir and M.B.K. took Inez for drive up to Cloisters etc. showed M.B.K. pictures in A.M.

Friday 2 
Fair mild took M.B.K. bags to Penn Sta she left at 11am. Got fish for lunch park in pm CR came by too much wine

Saturday 3 
Fine cool Out to buy food for Sunday got beef steak. Park in P.M. Mir went to visit friends in Flushing. It rained and blew Sat nite
