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AUGUST 1946 

Sunday 11 Fine Cool. 
up at 8 Drove out to St Anne de Beaupre Ms Montmorency falls drove around Isle Orleans on our way back to Quebec went sight seeing in pm. Full moon is up.

Monday 12 Fair cool 
Up at 8 breakfast on corner Mir went shopping I went sight seeing.  Sons le Cap ite We sight see [[?]] all p.m

Tuesday 1 Fair mild 
Up at 8 quit Quebec for [[Gape?]] via South shore Lunched on road side Cabin at Bic about 5.30 pm..

Wednesday 14 Fair mild 
Up and had coffee at cabin at 755 Had radio fixed at Ramonski got some [[wine?]] [[store?]] [[pusty?]] roads on to Mt St Piere Cabins

AUGUST 1946 

Thursday 13 P cloudy mild 
Left Mt S. Piere 830 
Breakfast at Madeliene 
Then on to Gape didn’t like it so on to Perc[[e?]] by 4.30. Got [[cabin?]] at [[Biards?]] Beach

Friday 16 Fine Cool. 
Up by 7 AM coffee in cabins. Walked around a little to all whats what. in Pirc[[e?]]

Saturday 17 Raining mild 
Up by 730 Am. breakfast in cabin then moved over to 3 sisters Cabins stayed in all day because of rains 

Memoranda Had fresh fish for lunch and supper in cabin