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Sunday 18 Fine cool 
Up at 8 A.M. Stay around cabin all day Mir took walk up on 3 sisters met a man taking picture up near Peak o’ Dawn café 

Monday 19 Fine Fresh 
Up at 7am money came from N.Y. Mir bought some film for camera Drove to Chandler in P.m took Miss Stillman and Mrs Whaley with us. Dinner at 3 sisters

Tuesday 20 Weather Cloudy 
Up at 7 breakfast eggs toast in cabin It rained all day and how. Met Miss H of Anne Lacoste ELB came to pose for me in P.M. Mir and I mailed some cards

Wednesday 21 Fine Cool 
Up at 630 Eggs and toast coffee Drove up to Peak o’ D. to call and Anne [[?]] H. she called on us later in AM Mir took a swim in front of cabin

AUGUST 1946 

Thursday 22 Fine mild 
Up at 7 breakfast and took walk around beach A S came and Mir went with her for a mountain climb. ELB brought us bottle of wine Had mackeral [[mackerel]] and rice for supper

Friday 23 Fine Sunny 
Up by 630 Breakfast and went to P.O. to look for mail Mir took climb up Mt Rose with A.S. then took drive with her to make snap shots of Perce

Saturday 24 Cloudy Cool 
Our wedding anniversary Rained all day got fresh mackeral for lunch with rice Mir went shopping for vegetables in PM and picked some wild flowers
