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Sunday 25

Up at 6 weather a bit uncertain. But ordered some sandiches from ELB and went to Island stayed over there all day. Truly  enjoyable outing and beautiful sunny day celebrating our anniversary today.

Monday 26 
Fine Sunny Got art material from PO and used them some mackerel for lunch and cod fish [[?]] for supper. They are O.K.

Tuesday 27 
Fine mild Up at 630 Breakfast then stayed around cabin all AM Mir went for all in PM and so did I up on the hill and picked red raspberries which we had for supper with some good soup Mir made. 

Wednesday 28 
cloudy in AM It rained in Am Mir went shopping in car for vegetables met girl in The Black Whale. Had baked beans and vegetables from Donohue for supper


Thursday 29 
P cloudy mild Up at 6 Mir took walk out to the Rock in Am We both took hike up to the grotto in PM and picked quite a few red raspberries. Ham [[?]] soup and salad for supper.

Friday 30
Cloudy Raining in Am Cleared up at 8 Mir went down to the Rock to make shots of it and Mt. Joli mackeral and berries for lunch Windy and high seas in P.M and eve

Saturday 31
Fine Sunny day Up at 7 and breakfast packed things in car and said goodbye to the L.B. and started for home, dirt roads but not bad all the way to Cambleton N.B. Got cabin there about 5.30 P.M. Drove around Campbeton in eve