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[[Margin]] Pitchup tent at Drew lake Moulton Me in the night
September 1946
Sunday 1 Foggy Chilly
Up at 630 breakfast in Cabin and parted at 730 via route 17 for Van Buren Me. Got there by 1130 AM passed Customs there on to Caribou Me had lunch in Diner, tire flat had to change

Monday 2 Foggy damp
Labor Day Broke camp after cooking breakfast, [[rin?]] Route to Bangor over some bad roads Drove on to Arcadia Nt. park Bar Harbor pitched tent for the night Had good lobster supper

Tuesday 3 Fair mild
Up at 6. mad breakfast on fire drove into town and around park and upon mountain top left at noon Drove on to Salisbury Mass via Portland got Cabin in Salisbury about 8 PM

Wednesday 4 Fine Mild
Up and breakfast in cabin drove over to look at beach got stuck in deep sand Then on to N.Y. via Boston New Haven and Merrick Pkway home 730

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September 1946
Thursday 5 Fair Mild
Out to shop. strike is on so nothing much in markets. Got beef steak down town to H.F in PM [[?]] pork on way home [[?]] from Renèe

Friday 6 Fair mild
Down 9 ave got fish for supper. Mir gone to hair dresser Good fish for supper Marie W. Came up in eve brought wine

Saturday 7 Fair mild
Down to Village bought some [[?]] material and food Park in P.M. J.D. came out late had wine that M.W. brought last nite home by 7 P.M.
Memoranda supper of rice cakes etc